Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reasons why Heroes makes me angry

Tonight, I had a conversation with some fellow writers about Heroes. We got onto the topic because the Star Trek movie came up, and I mentioned that every time I saw younger Spock, I kept picturing him sawing the tops of people's heads off.

Let me say this now. Heroes had SO much potential. And now…fuck.

  1. Claire goes through love interests like tissues, and every time they die or something terrible happens to them. What happened to West? Apparently they "still facebook". How about underwater breathing comic book kid? And then there's Gretchen…don't get me started.
  2. Lauren. Shove off.
  3. WTF happened to Molly?
  4. Parkman takes all of TWO MINUTES to get over speedster girl, and then it's back to Janice like nothing happened.
  5. Every season they try and reinvent the show, but it just doesn't work. Stop it.
  6. Scaly, angry Mohinder. See also: Pissed off Gregor Samson Mohinder.
  7. "I want to join the Company" Mohinder.
  8. "I don't want to continue my father's work. Oh wait, J/K!" Mohinder.
  9. Right about the time I started liking Nathan, he gets killed, which leads me to:
  10. The Nathan-Sylar mindfuck.
  11. Hiro's childhood regression.
  12. EVERYONE CAN PAINT THE FUTURE! First it's Isaac, then Peter absorbed the power. Sylar gets it from killing Isaac, and Mr. Petrelli gets it from stealing Peter's powers. African man has it, and then he gives it to Hiro and Parkman. Seriously?
  13. Nancy Drew and the case of the murdered co-ed.
  14. Claire's obsession with helping, when in fact she's completely USELESS.
  15. "OMG all I want is a normal life. Wait, strike that. I'm happy being special. But all I want is a normal life! I want to go to college! But then everyone gets abducted and I can't go to college with that happening! Wait, now I want to be special so I'm going to go join a freaking CARNIVAL, because creepy greasy carnival owner man says I'm great."
  16. Jessica/Nikki/other personality that gets conveniently thrown in to kill DL.
  17. Nikki/Barbara/Tracy. Uhm…what happened to Jessica being Nikki's dead sister?
  18. The Carnival.
  19. The amazing (sarcasm) idea that Parkman drinking causes Sylar to hurt, and eventually disappear. Uh..HELLO! Of course he's going to disappear! You've just given yourself alcohol poisoning.
  20. Alice and her desert wonderland. Was there a point to that? I think not.
  21. The Haitian wind chime thing. How the blazes does that work, anyway?
  22. Peter in Ireland and the useless relationship with the pub girl.
  23. Maya. You weakling, get over it! Man up and quit being a wet dishrag. Oh wait, they killed your character off because she was a crybaby moron who couldn't see that Sylar was a mass murdering lunatic. You decided to listen to him instead of your brother, even after you knew Gabriel was a murderer. Then you get involved with Mohinder, and he glues you to a wall because you're an idiot. How does that feel?

    There are so many more, but I think I'll limit it to these. In closing,

    If you were to watch Heroes backwards, it would get better over time.

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